So as you know reading this, we offer a service that provides more confidence between buyers and sellers as well as saving both parties from fees and taxes that other websites charge. For a very small amount, we ask our sellers to pay a fee as long as they are selling within our group. We believe this fee is worth avoiding paying fees that Ticketmaster, stub hub and similar sites may charge. Especially if this fee is once a season, there are many opportunities to make up for it. This is almost a full time job for us. Constantly scanning the pages and groups for scams, vetting all profiles and sellers, as well as finding many other ways to keep our communities safe. We put in hours of our own time to make this happen, we hope you see value in it as well!
We understand not everyone agrees with this fee. There are many other platforms that offer free exchanges and we encourage to keep your options open. We are not the only ticket page, but we are the only page that conducts these procedures to keep buyers safe. Feel Free to reach out below and lets have a productive conversation if you feel you shouldn't pay the fee.
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